To celebrate the best in every client and share it with the world.
A communications designer in Carmel, CA, my passions include the arts, design and sustainability.
My career began in NYC's Silicon Alley, then in Paris where I worked for Lumière, the world's first online fashion magazine. As editor for Fashion Net, I dove into the aesthetics of communication and the art of distilling information.
Now I bring my artistic sensibilities and technical skills to individual client projects. The experience is relaxed and fun - we're all co-creating a cool new world together.
From working with Friends of Carmel Forest to supporting local eco-friendly, humane businesses, I believe small actions = big change. Favorite charities include Farm Sanctuary and Sky Dog Ranch.
Web Design – SquareSpace
Social Media – Instagram, Facebook, Artsy
Content – Creation, selection, management
Copywriting – Email blasts, press releases, newsletters, articles, blogs, resumes, LinkedIn
Graphic Design – Print advertising, logos, promotional collateral
Photography – Photoshop, image editing
Environmental Conservation
Interior Design
Anna Rheim, Photographer
City of Los Altos
David Ligare, Artist
Earthbound Farm
Fashion Net
Fresno Museum of Art
Friends of Carmel Forest
Jane Olin, Photographer
Janet Roberts, Artist
Johnny Apodaca, Artist
Las Olas Surf Safaris
Machado & Associates
Modern Art West
Monterey Museum of Art
Nancy Dodds Gallery
Sierra Club
Vance Killen Interior Design
White Nights Foundation of America
Winfield Gallery
Woody Gwyn, Artist
" of very few people in this world capable of combining profound fashion savvy with cutting-edge, modern technology" - Stig Harder, Founder & CEO, Fashion Net Inc.
"A joy to work with!" - Gay Machado, Machado & Associates, Inc.
"...clear, aesthetic and intelligent" - Clayton and Linda Anderson, Friends of Carmel Forest
"...intuitive design sense, artistic lens and high response rate - a game changer" - Lori Benak, Ultrafit